Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Social Exclusion in Sport in the UK Essay Example

Literature Review In the 1960s, social exclusion became a subject of discussion in France, but after the economic crisis in 1980, the concept was introduced in the UK. After it had become the biggest item in the EU agenda, attention was closely then introduced to the specification and definition of the concept (Hills 2002). Policies on the eradication and combating social exclusion were then evaluated. For this to happen, necessary details on what social exclusion is, what factors influence it, and what indicators are to be used to identify its existence, were identified (Sterkenburg 2011). There has been a lack of adequate characterization of social exclusion. For instance in the UK, social exclusion is described as a short term that occurs when people or areas from the union are linked with problems such as low incomes, unemployment, poor housing, family breakdown, low incomes, and poor health (Sterkenburg 2011).